Sunday, August 21, 2011

4 Years

I was going to write up our big long love story but I think I'll keep that for another time. Today I will say that my amazing husband and I are celebrating four years of being together. We had our second wedding anniversary last month but I'm a sucker for celebrating every possible event {grin}. It's hard to believe it's been four years already but it's equally hard to imagine there was ever a day or an hour that I was this man's girl. I love being with him and sharing my life with someone so passionate, hard working and fun. He makes me laugh almost everyday and I know he does his best to love me every single day. Even when I don't understand or appreciate his efforts. Don't get me wrong, we are not perfect. We're both fiery souls so when we argue, we erupt! We've seen amazing times and rough times in these four years but they've still been the best four years of my life so far.

We've been talking a lot about how we communicate and show love to one another recently. Isn't crazy how you think you're expressing one thing but it's interpreted as the complete opposite? Today I'm going to do my best to show Kieran that I love him in a way he understands. This will probably involve a lot of food hehe.

Hope you're spending your weekend with someone you love xx

1 comment:

  1. hi! i saw your comment on jess' blog and wanted to say hello, and congrats on the weight loss so far! i did weight watchers 6 years ago and lost 65 pounds. it was awesome! :) if you to on my blog and look at the 'weight loss' tab you can see before and after pictures if you'd like.

    good luck with your progress!
