
Hi! I'm Ciara, welcome to my blog. I'm a twenty something wife to 'The Hub' and Mommy to Elliott. This is where I try and record our everyday life and some of the thoughts floating around my little head.

I love: photography, cooking, chatting with friends, eating food, reading books, drinking coffee, laughing so hard it hurts, hugs with The Hub, making Elliott giggle and hearing good news about great friends.

The most important thing in life to me is to follow God and try to live for Him. I think Jesus is amazing and I've been blown away by how He's changed my life. I don't think I'm perfect, I screw up every single day. That's why I'm so very thankful for second chances.

My blog is called 'lovely' because I seem to use that word to describe almost every nice thing. Once my friend did a very funnybut scary accurate impersonation of me and used the word 'lovely' every second sentence. Oh dear...

Have a lovely read.